Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

The Ethics of Friendship (1)

Ethics of Friendship

Q In this module, we learn about the unhealthy and shallow depiction of “soul friendships” in mainstream films and literature: “Type soulfriends, or even worse “soulmate” into an internet search engine and some of the most syrupy aphorisms on friendship will be returned for your edification… the trouble with this sentimental haze and commodification is that it cheapens an idea of enormous human value: the spirituality of friendship is not something that can simply be ceded to the market” (p. 222). In at least 250 words total, please answer each of the following, drawing upon your reading materials and your personal insight. Please be sure that you do not provide names of people or identifying characteristics of the workplace. • What is your own perception of how the media fosters unhealthy models of friendship through film and television? Please provide an example from either a book or a film. What is our ethical responsibility in terms of challenging and questioning these mainstream notions of friendship?

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The term “soul mate” has become cliché in the modern world. Currently, this term reminds us either about a dating site or about a promotion of an upcoming film. The movies for the kids also emphasize on the terms like the “soul mates” and “Mr. Right”. Even a random search on the term “soul mate” in the internet, results a page with the tag “5 keys to identify your soul mates”. So, who is the soul mate? According to the Vernon, soulmates shares an intense feeling for each other (Vernon, 2010). From the idea of the Aristotle’s three levels of friendship, it can be understood that the soul mates belong to the third levels, where two persons bond over their virtues (Vernon, 2010).